Musculoskeletal Solutions specialises in treating pain & injury with comprehensive Musculoskeletal care - beyond Physiotherapy basics with advanced Biomechanics including - Chiropractic, Cranial Osteopathic and Neuromuscular treatments with a focus on premium results and long term recovery.
This requires our deep analysis, detailed diagnosis and full correctional alignment of Joints, Muscles, Tendons clearing internal systems & pathways.

BIOMECHANICAL MEDICINE: Neuromuscular, Intra-oral Temporomandibular, Sports/ Chiropractic, Cranial Osteopathy
NasalRX, OrthoTech Medical
Treating Unresolved
Pain & Congestion
Introducing Dr John Gibson, DC. Musculoskeletal Practitioner and Australian and NZ Board Certified Chiropractor (Allied Health provider).
After ​20 years of clinical experience & over 100,000 patient consults behind him, elderly to the very young - he has successfully treated the full spectrum of chronic & acute Musculoskeletal conditions. Well known over the last 2 decades, in the NZ elite athlete circuit, for resolving complex Musculoskeletal pain and performance issues - these complex challenges have deepened his Musculoskeletal Professional career, matching the requirement for premium results.
His clinical observations have allowed him to develop a reputation for finding answers to the most difficult of patient conditions delving deeper into accuracy of diagnosis & using a wider spectrum of applied techniques - Neuromuscular, Sports Chiropractic, Cranial Specific (Osteopathy), NasalRX, Orthotech
We invite you to reach out to to us, in one of our locations, Brisbane City Clinic or Beaudesert clinic, if you cant find answers to your unresolved condition whether it be unresolved pain, Sinus congestion, Migraine, Post Concussion, Sports Injury or general aches to severe unresolved pain.
We take a different clinical approach &
it may well be the answer you are searching for.
At Musculoskeletal Solutions Clinic, providing full spectrum Musculoskeletal services to Brisbane CBD and to Sunshine Coast, Beaudesert & Peregian district, we are dedicated to treating our patients with a premium path to full recovery.
We focus on understanding the absolute set of factors causing the Musculoskeletal condition, to then make an premium treatment strategy for ultimate full recovery.
With the addition of NasalRX, CFR, a leading edge Endo-nasal inflation procedure, where internal bones of the skull including the Sphenoid are subtly realigned, this treatment system additionally
strengthens our already top level results.
Faster Results
At Musculoskeletal Solutions Clinic, we take a comprehensive approach when it comes to diagnosing accurately and matching the right treatments for the condition.
Pain & Symptom full recovery
is our goal rather than treating for pain & symptom 'relief' and 'management of'
One of our strengths is applying meticulously, deeper diagnostic analysis to find origins of dysfunction and based upon these findings, we apply targeted broader spectrum group of advanced techniques, that get
you correct recovery.

Full recovery, clear of symptoms, through corrected mechanics,
is our goal, rather than
management of pain!