Sinus Headaches

Patients often experience significant drainage of their sinus cavities after just one procedure.
Revolutionary Fast Treatment
for Sinus Headaches
Chronic Sinus congestion
Treatment now available in
Brisbane and Sunshine Coast clinics
Sinus Headache Clinic Brisbane & Peregian
Are sinus headaches disrupting your life?
Like many others congested Sinus symptoms or Sinusitis can take the enjoyment out of life with symptoms of constant dripping nose, headaches, facial pain, unable to breathe through the nose, poor sleep, foggy head etc..
Sinus Headache Clinic Brisbane & Peregian
Now there is a revolutionary treatment available for congested Sinus sufferers with our specialised NASALRX treatment at Headache & Tendon Clinics, Brisbane & Sunshine Coast serving - Peregian, Coolum & Noosa locals.
Sinus Headache Clinic Brisbane & Peregian
The only alternatives available are various medications usually without long term success, or surgical intervention which statistically has a poor record of recovery from symptoms. If you have had no real results you might consider a different approach - Sinus issues can contribute to further health concerns if left unresolved.
Sinus Headache Clinic Brisbane & Peregian
Our clinic offers a different approach.
Advanced Biomechanical techniques to diagnose the Head, Neck and Brainstem, addressing specific underlying causes of your sinus headaches then applying a little known, leading edge NasalRX treatment to restore function and remove blockages that cause the
chronic congestion.
Sinus Headache Clinic Brisbane & Peregian
Our track record of success proves our specialised ability to pinpoint cause and effect sites, that very few other clinics offer - our mission is to focus on getting immediate change for full resolution and long term results.
Sinus Headache Clinic Brisbane & Peregian
Treatment Approach
Join the countless sinus headache sufferers we've helped finally resolve their condition.
With our non-medicated, non-invasive NasalRX & Cranial Osteopathic treatment, you can expect significant improvement within just three consultations.
Don't let sinus headaches control your life any longer.
Book your appointment today and take the first step towards
faster pain & symptom free results.

Chronic Sinusitis
We address chronic sinusitis from an expert cranial & musculoskeletal perspective.
At Headache & Tendon Clinic, we specialise in all forms of Head Trauma, PCS, Sinus conditions and Head pain.
One of the main causes of facial and frontal head pain are congested sinuses.
There are a number of facial & cranial bones that form the multiple sinus cavities and are responsible for humidifying the air during inhalation and are responsible for the production of mucus to assist the body as an immune response.
What is critically important but less known about the function of your sinuses is that they are a main production site of Nitric Oxide (NO).
Nitric Oxide assists vasodilation in the lungs and oxygen uptake - a key function which largely governs the optimisation of blood oxygen levels.
The sinus drainage sites in the nasal cavity can become blocked which creates chronic sinusitis which leads to infection, blocked Nitric Oxide production, lack of oxygen and pain/tenderness over the involved sinus.
Current mainstream symptom suppression drug treatment options offered by General Practitioners are only a temporary fix & long term are generally ineffective
with undesirable side effects.
If there is limited to no response from drug therapy, a referral to an ENT surgical provider would be the next course of action. This is a significant risky leap from immunosuppressive drug to surgery without looking at cause.
The revolutionary treatment for Chronic sinus sufferers that isn’t as widely known is the NasalRx - nasal inflation procedure. The origins of this technique started in the 1930s from both Osteopathic and Chiropractic disciplines.
Nasal RX - How it Works
The NasalRx procedure is the only procedure that effectively opens and expands the various pathways of the nasal cavity itself.
There are 3 distinct pathways per side, that funnel air inward and outward through the nose.
The constriction of any of these 6 passageways will reduce airflow and often lead to a tendency to not only mouth breathe, destructive to health over time, but also use many accessory neck muscles to force air into your lungs against resistance.
This can also lead to chronic neck muscle tension & pain that are difficult to resolve until the upper airway clears.
There are 22 bones and 64 articulations that form the cranial and facial structure. A diagnosis of limited movement in these boney components is detectable by the experienced palpatory skill of the musculoskeletal practitioner - primarily developed from Chiropractic and Osteopathic disciplines.
NasalRx technique, together with Cranial and Intra-Oral treatments are performed, with the intent to determine a notable influence in movement and position of cranial bones (especially those that house the sinus cavities).
Patients often experience significant drainage of their sinus cavities
after just one procedure.
The NasalRx procedure addresses all 6 nasal pathways, providing a thorough approach to restore nasal breathing - critical to long term health.
With the expansion of the nasal cavity, together with the introduction of movement to the facial and cranial bones, an environment is created for the sinus cavities to return to a healthier functional state.
Depending on the degree of blockage, and the number of sinus cavities that are involved, will determine the number of individual NasalRx treatments that are required for optimal function.
In our clinical experience at Headache & Tendon Clinic, it requires up to 10 visits to fully clear, with dramatic changes often noted in 1-2 visits.